Friday, May 6, 2011

126/365: May 6

I got a book today about useless knowledge... and I have to admit, I LOVE it! So.... here are a few things I have learned....

A hippopotamus' stomach is 10 FEET long.
... and if you don't get them their dinner on time, and they get angry?..... their sweat turns RED.

And you thought a hippo was big.... get this...
A blue whale's TONGUE weights MORE than an ELEPHANT!!!
.... and their heart..... yeah, it's the same size as a small CAR.

Oh, and an interesting tidbit about tigers.... not only do they have striped fun. Their skin has stripes too!

But enough about animals... how about math?! .... Did you know there are 293 different ways to make change for $1?
Notice -- 111,111,111*111,111,111= 12,345,678,987,654,321

Well, I hope this encourages all of you to go out and look up some of your own "useless information" and you can post it here for me to read and enjoy!!

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