Monday, April 11, 2011

100/365: April 10

Oh dang it!! I was all excited to post about the 100th day of the year, yesterday.... but once again life and not wanting to spend a whole lot of time sitting at my computer got in the way. So.. there it is, in big red numbers.... a day late........ :)

But yesterday was another good day. We White's went to church in the morning. Heard a VERY good message, it said "hey, wake up!!" to both Ben and myself. From there we came home hung, out played around. Then after lunch I took the kids and left Ben at home to do some cleaning... (I know you're thinking I'm the luckiest woman in the world, right!?) ... Well, the cleaning I speak of is mopping the floors -as that is his one chore, and cleaning all the guns. But I still appreciate his hard work VERY much!! Anyways, my adventure was just supposed to be a nice long walk... and it was. We were just interrupted 1/2 way through due to a(nother) flat tire.... grrrrr... I really hate bicycle tubes in AZ. So when that happened, we parked it on the side of the road until Ben could come rescue the kids and the stroller... then Jene' and I (did I mention that she was part of the "we" that were walking?!) finished another 3 miles... so our grand total of walking was a little over 7 miles. Yay.

After I  got home, we hung out some more. Cooked dinner. Played, laughed, bathed (the kids), and got ready for bed and ready for the coming week.... So there ya go. Our Sunday in a couple of (probably) horrible-grammar and punctuation paragraphs.

All of you (who actually read this) understand I have absolutely NO desire to become a writer, right?! And that when I'm typing this stuff out..... I type it like I think it. If you didn't before, now you do!


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